The chemical-surgical preparation is aimed at modeling and sanitation, making use of endodontic instruments and auxiliary chemicals instrumentation, working in the root canal system, organic and inorganic structure, providing cleaning and disinfection of the space previously occupied by the pulp, as also continuous conical conformation with higher cervical diameter and smaller apical foramen in keeping the original shape and position, facilitating the realization of the tight seal and three-dimensional (shilder, 1974).
The complexity of the internal anatomy (PINEDA, VERTUCCI, Weiner, HESS, BRAMANTE) and distribution of microorganisms (Shovelton) constitute one of the biggest challenges of Endodontics, especially when related to the curved canals.
NNevertheless, concrescence, crevices and atresias are usually part of the peculiarities of the molars, especially the curved (Schneider).
However, free access to the critical zone of the instrument and the apical canal preparation is a procedure covered with difficulties, which most often result in accidents, among others, excessive wear in the danger zone, with or without perforation (ABOU-RASS ), hourglass-shaped canal, with a smaller diameter in the middle portion of the channel (Buchanan), steps, during apical preparation with or without perforation (Al-Omari; SOUTHARD), besides the possibility of fracture of instruments, due to tensions provided by the bends, as well as diameter, tip design, flexibility of the instrument and instrumentation technique used, variations in the hardness of dentin and obstructions of the channel through the zest of dentin and consequently loss of working length, signal the failure of therapy endodontic.
Many researchers have developed over the last two decades, variations in technical preparation of curved canals from anatomical considerations and their impact described above, with special attention to the technique of cervical ripening (MARSHALL, PAIVA; LOPES).
The cervical ripening may be defined by expanding the diameter at the entrance and the cervical canal, creating a straight access to the middle and apical regions, providing a wear anticurvatura, directed to the areas large or security zones. Consiste numa alternativa para superar a influência da curvatura apical, a partir do desgaste compensatório. It consists of an alternative to overcome the influence of apical curvature, from the wear compensation.
It is the proposition of the authors present a simplified technique for preparing curved canals, using techniques capable of overcoming problems related to the presence of bends and difficulties. (In: SIMPLIFIED TECHNIQUE FOR THE PREPARATION OF CURVED CHANNEL)
Case Study:
History: Male, 52 years. Came to the clinic with pain, reporting possible fracture of the element 35. On clinical examination revealed a vertical fracture of the crown, bevel, involving the crown of the middle to the vestibular sense lingual vestibule. We observed the coronal pulp exposed.
Radiographically, was observed on radiographs radiolucent area at the crown and a sharp bend at the root of the element 35 in the region of middle.
Proposed treatment: endodontic treatment in one session.
Rotary instrumentation: Files Easy Pro-designate 20/03. Biomechanics Final: Flexofile 25.
Hypochlorite solution with 5.25%.
Endodontic sealer: Endofill (Dentsply)
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