The anatomy of the root canal system dictates the parameters under which the endodontic treatment is carried out and affects the chances of success. This anatomy of each tooth presents common features and variations very complex.
A radiograph of the tooth can reveal much of the internal anatomy, which combined theoretical knowledge, dictate the size of the drill to be used in surgical access, its direction, the size of the first instrument to be used in root canal and also , which modifications that should be employed to perform endodontic cavity preparation in order to facilitate the location of root canals.
Thus, knowledge of the anatomy of root canals greatly help the professional, since the surgical access to the filling of the channel and is a safe route to achieve much success and avoid unpleasant situations. "(SHORT REVIEW OF HUMAN ANATOMY OF THE TEETH. In Endodontics)
Histórico : Homem, 23 anos. History: Male, 23 years. Chegou ao consultório relatando dor espontânea e pulsátil, localizada, com maior incidência durante a noite e com contato de alimentos frios ou quentes. Came to the clinic reporting spontaneous pain and throbbing, localized, with peaks during the night and connect with hot or cold food. Dor melhorava, mas não cessava com o uso de analgésico. Pain improved, but did not cease with the use of analgesics.
Radiographically: I watched a radiolucency in the distal element 45, close to the pulp chamber, with no visible change in the periapical region. Foi inicialmente identificada uma variaçao anatômica no formato da raiz do elemento. Was first identified a variation in the anatomical shape of the root element.
Use of apex locator, Root ZX II (J Morita).
Instrumentation: Motor X-Mart (Dentsply), system files Easy Pro Design.
Hypochlorite solution with 5.25%.
Obturation Technique: Hybrid Tagger Endofill endodontic cement (Dentsply).
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