The conventional endodontic treatment becomes dicícil due to various congenital or acquired. Calcifications can be didactically divided into true and false. The first are the results of action of the odontoblasts, which in some stimulus, they begin to deposit dentin, decreasing or modifying the shape and volume of the pulp cavity. Among the stimuli we can cite the presence of caries, abrasions and atrições, bruxism and the occurrence of dental trauma. In the latter case, one can verify that the light channel may appear obliterated in the radiographic image is important to note that this calcification is hardly complete, as we have seen, it is the fruit of the action of odontoblasts, there must be at least space occupied by it. This explains why in some cases, not visualized radiographically the light of the root canal but the tooth has apical lesion. What happens usually is that the lumen of the canal is so narrow that our smallest instrument is too bulky to access it. The call is false calcification resulting from deposition of calcium salts in areas of intra-pulpal microabscesses. True nodules are formed inside the conduit, which may give the impression that this is totally obliterated. Call of false nodules because they are not adhered to dentin walls. These lumps are chronic processes such as periapical pathology, chronic tooth decay and even systemic vascular disorders such as arteriosclerosis. (IN: ENDONLINE)
Case Study:
History: Women, 69 years. She arrived at the office referred to the treatment endodotico element 24. She reported pain and had no apparent clinical change. The vitality test positive, exacerbated response.
Radiographic findings: There was a preparation for fixed prosthesis on vital teeth.
nstrumentation final: file Biomechanics 40, Vestibular, 40, Palatine.
Hypochlorite solution with 5.25%.
Obturation technique: lateral and vertical condensation
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